Prestiging will cause you to lose all your geese.
In return, you will produce 1% more geese in your future run.
REMEMBER, there is no going back!
Enter the word "RESET" into the box below and click "OK" to reset your data.
There is no undoing this action!
ERROR: Please enter "RESET" if you want to reset your data!
0 Geese
Geese per second: 0
Welcome back to Goose Clicker!
1,000 Geese
Twice as much grass, twice as much geese! Doubles grass efficiency.
Better Seeds
2,500 Geese
You reap what you sow! Each Grass has a 50% chance of producing an extra goose.
Golden Wheat Strain
5,000 Geese
New wheat strain! Doubles wheat efficiency.
Babylonian Irrigation System
10,000 Geese
Great technology! Doubles wheat efficiency.
Shiny Coating
25,000 Geese
Make that statue sparkly! Doubles Goose Statue efficiency.
Feather Insulation
100,000 Geese
A nice cozy nest! Doubles Goose Nest efficiency.
100 Geese
Click better! Mouse clicks are twice as efficient.
1000 Geese
Click+ x2! Mouse clicks are twice as efficient.