0 Geese
Geese per second: 0
Welcome back to Goose Clicker!
1,000 Geese
Twice as much grass, twice as much geese! Doubles grass efficiency.
Better Seeds
2,500 Geese
You reap what you sow! Each Grass has a 50% chance of producing an extra goose.
Golden Wheat Strain
5,000 Geese
New wheat strain! Doubles wheat efficiency.
Babylonian Irrigation System
10,000 Geese
Great technology! Doubles wheat efficiency.
Shiny Coating
25,000 Geese
Make that statue sparkly! Doubles Goose Statue efficiency.
Feather Insulation
100,000 Geese
A nice cozy nest! Doubles Goose Nest efficiency.
100 Geese
Click better! Mouse clicks are twice as efficient.
1000 Geese
Click+ x2! Mouse clicks are twice as efficient.
Geese love grass!
Each Grass produces 1 goose per second.
Price: 10
Owned: 0
Geese love wheat! Probably...
Each Wheat produces 10 geese per second.
Price: 100
Owned: 0
The geese are mesmerized by their statue!
Each Goose Statue produces 111 geese per second.
Goose Statue
Price: 1019
Owned: 0
The geese are attracted by a new home!
Each Goose Nest produces 1010 geese per second.
Goose Nest
Price: 100013
Owned: 0
UW, the true home of all geese!
Each UW Campus produces 12345 geese per second.
UW Campus
Price: 1000000
Owned: 0
Geese are attracted by this great religious institution!
Each Goose Temple produces 123456 geese per second.
Goose Temple
Price: 7777777
Owned: 0
Geese are pulled towards the magnet!
Each Goose Magnet produces 1234567 geese per second.
Goose Magnet
Price: 7777777
Owned: 0
Geese are cloned in the lab!
Each Goose Lab produces 12345678 geese per second.
Goose Lab
Price: 7777777
Owned: 0
Tap into the multiverse!
Each Portal produces 123456789 geese per second.
Price: 7777777
Owned: 0